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Patreon Podcast and Guilty As Convicted

charged podcast

If you enjoy the show, you may want to support it by becoming a patron on Patreon, a website where people can donate money for podcasts. This site works in the same way as Kickstarter, but allows people directly to contribute to podcast creators. Many podcasters will also accept guest donations. This can amount to as much as $50,000. Patreon's most important benefit is that podcasts are accessible from anywhere in the globe. Patreon is easy and you can support your favorite show.

Created by Steven Haglund, Alex Insdorf and Tyler Schoon

The Guilty As Charged podcast is a sports talk show covering the Los Angeles NFL franchise and NFL Draft. It's hosted by Steven Haglund (Tyler Schoon) and Alex Insdorf. Simplecast hosted the show before it became a subscription-only channel. Los Angeles Chargers fans need to listen to the show.

Podcasting platforms such as Google Play, Player FM, iTunes, and Player FM have given the podcast a large following. However, it's not easy to find out how many people are listening to each episode. To find out, you have to subscribe to their feed on Player FM, or copy and paste the feed URL into other podcast apps. A podcast feed is found by searching "Charged", either in the iTunes Store oder Google Play Store.

Podbean publisher

One of the best ways to publish your podcast is to use Podbean. Podbean offers many great features that will make podcast publishing easier. The website allows users to upload and modify audio and video files as well edit the description for each episode. Podbean is easy to use, and you can upload and download files from Dropbox.

Podbean's PPAM Service allows advertisers place ads in your podcast. The ads are dynamically embedded and displayed only when someone visits your site. To be eligible for advertising payments, you will need to include your Paypal account information in your podcast. After that, you will be paid on the 15th day of each month. Podbean lets you view your ad campaign results and assess their effectiveness.

Patreon allows you to make money

Patreon accounts are essential for podcast creators. Patreon accounts are a great way to create a subscriber base, and a steady stream of revenue. To get started, register on Patreon. Then select a Patreon webpage. From here, you can customize your account settings.

You can set up multiple price levels for your Patreon subscribers when you create an account. You can charge $5 per podcast or $20. You can offer a $12 discount if you sell a subscription at $10 per episode. A series of subscriptions can be created for those who are unable to afford this price.

Popular shows can charge guests up to $50,000 for appearances

According to a new report by Bloomberg, charged podcast guests are making big money to appear on popular shows. Bloomberg surveyed the industry and found that some guest are willing to pay upto $50,000 for their appearances. These podcasts often focus on business, health, or cryptocurrency. Podcasters are not the only ones who have a podcast. Many websites also offer guest appearances for a fee.

Some podcasters take this practice to new heights. They're now offering paid podcast appearances to celebrities and high-profile guests. Dave Asprey is the host of "The Human Upgrade". He charges $50,000 per guest appearance. The guests of the show are required to pay $50,000 for their appearances on the show. However, they do not disclose these payments to the public in advance. Bloomberg says podcast hosts only share guest fees with news organisations after being contacted. Others are against the practice of payola.

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What can I eat while on intermittent fasting in order to lose weight?

Cutting out carbs is the best way to lose weight. This means you have to cut back on carbs such as bread, pasta rice, potatoes, and any other carbohydrate-based food.

It is important to eat less protein, as it will keep you fuller longer. You won't feel as hungry.

Instead, focus on foods that contain healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds. These foods can keep you satisfied for hours after they are eaten.

You should ensure you drink plenty of water. Water can help you lose fat by keeping you hydrated.

You may find that you actually crave these foods when you fast. But that doesn't mean you have to give in to those cravings. You could gain more weight than what you lose if you do.

Keep an eye on the amount of food you eat throughout the day to avoid overeating. Instead of reaching for another snack, sip a glass of water when you feel hungry.

This might sound counterintuitive, but it's actually been proven to help you slim down. According to a study published in Obesity, participants consumed fewer calories if they drank plain water rather than sugary beverages.

In addition, drinking plain water helped reduce feelings of hunger. If you want to lose weight, avoid sweetened beverages and drink water.

It doesn't take much to lose weight. Instead, focus on making small changes to your lifestyle.

One way to start is by substituting your typical breakfast sandwich with a bowl of oatmeal. Or swap your afternoon cookie for a piece of fruit.

These simple swaps will add up over time and help you shed pounds without spending hours in the kitchen.

How can I lose weight?

For people who want to look good, losing weight is a popular goal. People lose weight for a variety of reasons. They want to live longer, be healthier, and live longer. There are many ways to lose weight. These include strength training, cardio training, yoga and pilates. Each type of exercise comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Walking is the best way to lose calories. Lifting weights is a better choice if you are looking to increase muscle mass. In this article, we'll discuss how to lose weight and which exercise to choose.

What kind of diet plan should you follow when trying to lose weight? You don't have to eat as much, but you do need to reduce the amount of processed foods and avoid junk. It's recommended to consume at least 2200 calories per day. You can lose weight quicker if you reduce your calorie intake. This way, you will get rid of fat much faster.

Get active if you want fast weight loss. Exercise will help you burn calories and boost your metabolism. You must combine exercise and a healthy diet to lose weight. Exercise can reduce your energy consumption, which means you won't be as able to eat as often. Your body will burn fat more quickly if you do your workouts regularly. Regular exercise is a great way to keep fit and healthy. They keep you fit and prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, hypertension, etc.

Walking is a great way to exercise. Walking burns around 500 calories per hour. A walk of 30 minutes per day can help you to burn approximately 1500 calories. One pound of fat will be lost per week if you walk 30 minutes each day. You can also run or jog for 10 minutes. Running burns around 1000 calories per hour. For a goal of losing 5 pounds in 3 week's time, you should run for 20 mins three times a week.

In conclusion, the best way to lose weight is to combine exercise with healthy eating habits. You should find a balance of these two elements.

What is the best exercise for busy individuals?

Doing exercises at home is the best way to stay in shape. You don't have to join a gym or go to a fitness center to stay fit. You can do simple exercises at home without spending much money on equipment.

All you need is a pair dumbbells, mat, chair, and a timer.

You must be consistent with your training. It is possible to lose your motivation if you miss a few days.

It is a great way to get started would be to lift weights three times per semaine. You could do push-ups and pull-ups as well as squats, lunges or push-ups.

Once you are proficient in these movements, you will be able to do other types of exercise, such as running, jumping, skipping and yoga, pilates, dancing, swimming, weight training and tennis.

Remember to pick the program that best suits your lifestyle when choosing an exercise program. Avoid exercises that demand too much energy if you work long hours.

If you are a night owl, then you should consider exercising during the evening rather than early morning.

Pay attention to your body. Don't be afraid to stop when you get tired.


  • One study in 9 active men found that HIIT burned 25–30% more calories per minute than other types of exercises, including weight training, cycling, and running on a treadmill (18Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • It's estimated that half of all American adults attempt to lose weight every year (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • Another study found that 24 weeks of weight training led to a 9% increase in metabolic rate among men, which equated to burning approximately 140 more calories per day. (healthline.com)
  • Among women, the increase in metabolic rate was nearly 4%, or 50 more calories per day (14Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

How to exercise to lose weight

Being active is one of the best methods to lose weight. Many people do not know how they should exercise. You should do cardio exercises, such as swimming, running, walking, swimming, etc., as well as strength training exercises, such as pulling up, pushingups, pull-ups and lunges. The most effective way to lose weight is to combine these two types of exercises together. If you want to start exercising, then try to find some friends who are willing to join you in your journey. You have two options: you can join a gym or just walk around your neighborhood. No matter which type of activity, you need to be consistent with it. It's easy not to stick with a routine when you first start working out. Just keep at it!


Patreon Podcast and Guilty As Convicted